Upload videos to Beetangle
Click the ‘upload’ icon. You can find this in the top menu bar, or under the left-hand tab on the video bar.

The following dialogue box will appear:

Add video files either by using drag-and-drop or by using the ‘add files’ button to locate the file on your local drive. Beetangle will then upload and process your video automatically.
Preparing your videos for Beetangle
You really don’t have to do much! Beetangle incorporates a powerful video transcoder, at present supporting the video files with following extensions: .mpg, .mpeg, .mp4, .m4v, .mov, .3gp, .flv, and .avi. If format you use is not supported, let us know.
We do recommend that you use good-quality video. If you have your Player settings on HD, then a resolution of 720p (1280x720) is optimal.
Beetangle uses these formats internally, based on HD/SD settings (HD is default). All video you upload will be reencoded to this setting!
- SD: h264 with AAC audio track, 720x576 (576p) resolution, 2Mbps, 25 frames per second (fixed), 128k stereo audio
- HD: h264 with AAC audio track, 1280x720 (720p) resolution, 3Mbps, 25 frames per second (fixed), 128k stereo audio
Keep an eye on how much of your storage space you’re using (this can be seen under Team Settings in the Admin panel). You can delete old content if you need more space.
Deleting videos
Because we know how awful it is when you accidentally delete something you need, Beetangle has been designed to make accidental deletion quite difficult. As long as you have any instances of a video showing in your Beetangle video bar or in any Q, that video is still on the server. To completely delete a video, you need to remove it from all Qs and from the video bar.